HOBUT 多功能传感器(变送器)Multi-function Transducer

2017.09.21 11:51 PL 1226 HOBUT 多功能传感器(变送器)Multi-function Transducer已关闭评论

* HOBUT 多功能传感器(变送器)Multi-function Transducer :

M560 Powersig

M560-AT1 : Single Phase

M560-AT1-3 : Single Phase 3 wire

M560-AT4 : 3 Phase 3 wire Unbalanced Load

M560-AT9 : 3 Phase 4 wire Unbalanced Load

# RS485 Output – This is auto configurable and set up software is provided.

# Pulsed Output – This can be assigned to Wh, Varh, Ah or Vah


M550 Powercom

M550-CT1 :Single phase

M550-CT1-3 :Single phase 3 wire

M550-CT4 :3 phase 3 wire unbalanced load

M550-CT9 :3 phase 4 wire unbalanced load

# # # # #

Phase voltage (V)
Line Voltage (V)
Phase Current (I)
Frequency (Hz)
Active Power Per Phase (W)
System Active Power (W)
Reactive Power per Phase (VAr)
System Reactive Power (V Ar)
Apparent Power per Phase (VA)
System Apparent Power (VA)
Import Active Energy (W.h)
Export Active Energy (W.h)
Import Reactive Energy (VAr.h)
Export Reactive Energy (VAr.h)
Apparent Energy (VA.h)
Ampere Energy (A.h)
Power Factor per Phase (P.F.)
System Power Factor (P.F.)
Amp Demand (Ad)
Watt Demand (Wd)
V A Demand (VAd)
Maximum Amp Demand (Max Ad)
Maximum Watt Demand Import (Max Wd)
Maximum Watt Demand Export (Max Wd)
Maximum VA Demand (Max VAd)
Neutral Current


* HOBUT传感器(变送器)Transducers

1. 交流电流传感器(变送器) AC Current Transducers :

M100-AA1 1ph. self powered ave. sensing RMS calibrated

M100-AL1 1ph. aux. powered ave. sensing RMS calibrated

M100-AR1 1ph. aux powered true RMS sensing RMS cal

M100-AA3 3ph. self powered ave. sensing RMS calibrated

M100-AL3 3ph. aux powered ave. sensing RMS calibrated

2. 特殊的交流电压传感器(变送器)Special AC Voltage Transducers :

M100-VS1 Suppressed zero voltage auxiliary powered

M100-VX1 1ph. aux. powered ave. sensing RMS calibrated

M100-VX3 3ph. aux powered ave. sensing RMS calibrated

3. 有功功率传感器(变送器)Active Power Transducers :

M100-WA1 Single Phase

M100-WA2 3 phase 3 wire balanced load

M100-WA3 3 phase 4 wire balanced load

M100-WA4 3 phase 3 wire unbalanced

M100-WA5 3 phase 4 wire unbalanced load

M100-WA6 3 phase 3 wire balanced load externally connected reverse CT’S

4. 远程电阻传感器(变送器)Remote Resistance Transducers :

M100-RPN Resistance measurement

5. RTD温度传感器(变送器)RTD Temperature Transducers :

M100-RTD RTD temperature measurement

6. 特殊交流电流传感器(变送器)Special AC Current Transducers :

M100-AX1 1ph. aux. powered ave. sensing RMS calibrated

M100-AX3 3ph. aux powered ave. sensing RMS calibrated

M100-AAS 3ph. summation self powered.

M100-ALS 3ph. summation auxiliary powered

7. 频率传感器(变送器)Frequency Transducers :

M100-FA1 Self powered true zero outputs

M100-FL1 Auxiliary powered live zero outputs

M100-FX1 Auxiliary powered true zero outputs

8. 无功功率传感器(变送器)Reactive Power Transducers :

M100-XA1 Single Phase

M100-XA2 3 phase 3 wire balanced load

M100-XA3 3 phase 4 wire balanced load

M100-XA4 3 phase 3 wire unbalanced load

M100-XA5 3 phase 4 wire unbalanced load

M100-XA6 3 phase 3 wire balanced load externally connected reverse C.T’s

M100-XA7 3 phase 3 wire balanced load internally reversed C.T’s

9. 直流电流求和传感器(变送器)DC Current Summation Transducers :

M100-DS1 DC Current 1 input

M100-DS2 DC Current 2 inputs

M100-DS3 DC Current 3 inputs

M100-DS4 DC Current 4 inputs

10. 热电偶温度传感器(变送器)Thermocouple Temperature Transducers :

M100-TJ1 Type J thermocouple

M100-TK1 Type K thermocouple

11. 交流电压传感器(变送器)AC Voltage Transducer :

M100-VA1 1ph. self powered ave. sensing RMS calibrated

M100-VL1 1ph. aux powered ave. sensing RMS calibrated

M100-VR1 1ph. aux powered true RMS sensing RMS cal.

M100-VA3 3ph. self powered ave. sensing RMS calibrated

M100-VL3 3ph. aux powered ave sensing RMS calibrated

12. 相位角传感器(变送器)Phase Angle Transducer :

M100-PA1 Single phase 4 quadrants

M100-PA2 3 phase 3 or 4 wire balanced 2 quadrants

M100-PA3 3 phase 3 or 4 wire balanced 4 quadrants

M100-PV1 Single phase 4 quadrants phase angle between two voltages.

13. 直流线性积分器传感器(变送器)DC Linear Integrator Transducer :

M100-DI1 Single relay output

M100-DI2 Double relay output

14. 抽头位置传感器(变送器)Tap Position Transducer :

M100-TAP Resistance measurement

15. 直流电流或电压1输入3输出DC Current Or Voltage 1 In 3 Out :

M100-DM3 One input three outputs


M100-DA1 DC Current input 4kV isolation

M100-DV1 DC Voltage 20mV…11.9kV input 4kV isolation

M100-DV2 DC Voltage 12V…600V input 4kV isolation

M100-DA11 DC Current input 1.5kV isolation

M100-DV11 DC Voltage 20mV..11.9V input 1.5kV isolation

M100-DV21 DC Voltage 12V..600V input 1.5kV isolation


……更多 HOBUT 电气产品,请来电咨询:



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