adc 定时器timers

2017.08.02 08:28 PL 638 adc 定时器timers已关闭评论

adc 定时器timers
1. 多量程电动计时器multi-range motorised timers (6/60sec – 6/60min – 6/60hrs )




2. 6000系列经济可编程凸轮计时器Series 6000 economic programmable cam timers :

6002 2 cam

6004 4 cam

6006 6 cam

6008 8 cam

6010 10 cam

6012 12 cam

* 标准周期时间std cycle times: 3-6-12-30 secs ,1-2-3-6-12-30 mins ,1-2-3-6-12-24 hrs 。

3. 3000系列工业可编程凸轮计时器industrial programmable cam timer :

3002.V3 2 cam

3004.V3 4 cam

3006.V3 6 cam

3008.V3 8 cam

3010.V3 10 cam

3012.V3 12 cam

3014.V3 14 cam

3016.V3 16 cam

3018.V3 18 cam

3020.V3 20 cam

3102.V4R 2 cam ( timer with DC drive and 1turn potentiometer driver )

* 标准周期时间std cycle times : 6-12–24-60 secs ,2-4-6-12-24-60 mins ,2-4-6-12-24-48 hrs 。

* 需额外费用Extra charges

选配附件Optional accessories (for series 3000) :

M59 ,bi-directional AC motor

M70 ,DC motor 12 or 24 V

M48 ,separate 220Vac single direction motor only

AT03 ,separate geared AC single direction motor only

KW3A-16Z0B ,spare micro switches


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