TESCH 安全继电器Safety Relays

2017.07.28 09:15 PL 1510 TESCH 安全继电器Safety Relays已关闭评论

1.TESCH 安全继电器Safety Relays :
* 紧急停止继电器E-Stop Relay and Safety Gate Monitor
F101 230/115 / 42 VAC; 24 VAC/DC
F111 24 VDC
F113 230/115 / 42 VAC; 24 VAC/DC
F116 24 VAC/DC
F117 24 VAC/DC
F118 230/115 VAC; 42 VAC; 24 VAC/DC
F121 230 / 115 / 42 VAC; 24 VAC/DC
F123 230 / 115 / 42 VAC; 24 VAC/DC
F124 230 / 115 / 48 VAC; 24 VAC/DC
F126 230 / 115 / 42 VAC; 24 VAC/DC
F127 230/115 VAC; 24 VAC/DC
F131 230 / 115 / 42 VAC; 24 VAC/DC
F138 230 / 115 / 42 VAC; 24 VAC/DC
F142 230 / 115 VAC; 24 VAC/DC
F144 24 VDC

* 扩展模块Extension Module
F112 230 / 115/ 42 VAC; 24 VAC/DC
F122 230 / 115 VAC; 24 VAC/DC

* 双手控制继电器Two-Hand Relay

F115 Two Hand Relay 230 / 115 VAC; 24 VAC/DC
F125 Two Hand Relay 230VAC

* F200 安全系统Safety Systems
F210 F211
F220 F221
F230 F240
显示模块Display Module : F245

* 延时关闭安全定时器Safety Timer off-delayed
F128 24 VAC/DC

2. TESCH 电子定时器Electronic Timers :
V133 230VAC,115 VAC; 42 VAC; 24 VAC,24VDC
V133T 230VAC,115 VAC; 42 VAC; 24 VAC,24VDC
V133L 230VAC,115 VAC; 42 VAC; 24 VAC,24VDC
V133TL 230VAC,115 VAC; 42 VAC; 24 VAC,24VDC

V233 230VAC,115 VAC; 42 VAC; 24 VAC,24VDC
V233T 230VAC,115 VAC; 42 VAC; 24 VAC,24VDC
V233L 230VAC,115 VAC; 42 VAC; 24 VAC,24VDC
V233TL 230VAC,115 VAC; 42 VAC; 24 VAC,24VDC


3. TESCH 测量和监控继电器Measuring & Monitoring Relay :

* 电压和电流监控Voltage and Current Monitor
M210 0.03-5A / 3-500mA ; 0.2-249V
辅助电压supply voltage:230VAC ,115VAC , 24VAC

* 交流/直流限电流监控AC / DC Current Limit Monitor
M410 0.1-15A AC/DC
辅助电压supply voltage:230VAC ,115VAC , 24VAC

* 频率和电机静态监控Frequency and Motor Standstill Monitor
M220 230VAC ,115VAC , 24VAC
M420 230VAC ,115VAC , 24VAC

* 电机过温保护监控Motor Overtemperature Monitoring
M230 230VAC ,115VAC , 24VAC
M130 230VAC ,115VAC , 24VAC

* 三相交流电流监控3-Phase AC Current Monitor
M460 230VAC ,115VAC , 24VAC

* 欠压/相序监测Undervoltage / Phase Sequence Monitoring

* 过压/欠压,相序,相位不平衡监测Over/Under Voltage, Phase Sequence, & Phase Imbalance Monitoring

M470 230VAC ,115VAC , 24VAC

* 相序/相位故障监控Phase Sequence / Phase Failure Monitoring
M169 400VAC
M169 230-480VAC

4. TESCH 电压和电流测量电力仪表Voltage and Current Measurement :
PROTEC – NETCONTROL : Netcontrol 400VAC / Version 02 / 5A

LZM 3x voltage, 5x current
LZM 3x voltage, 13x current
LZM 8x current
LZM 16x current
TSW 3x voltage, 3x current

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