BRAMCO布莱姆科 输送机控制Conveyor Control

2017.09.21 11:25 PL 1393 BRAMCO布莱姆科 输送机控制Conveyor Control已关闭评论

BRAMCO布莱姆科 输送机控制Conveyor Control

1. BK300 (BK200) Pullkey 安全装置 safety device :










Code Description

M Standard Monitoring Node

Provides indication of individual Pullkey trip

status mounted along a conveyor.

N ICMS Monitoring Node

Used in conjunction with Bramco’s

Integrated Control and Management System

(ICMS). Provides individual Pullkey status

information via the ICMS Data Screen.

E Emergency Release Pin

The e-pin, mounted on one or both sides of

the Pullkey, provides an additional and

instantaneous trip release.

F Indication Flag

Fluorescent trip indication system mounted

on the operating knob of the Pullkey.

Provides easy visual identification of a

tripped Pullkey.

P Brass Plugs

Compatible with Bramco’s Pullcable

complete with 6 pole Brass Sockets.

C Amplifier or PSW Module Plug

Allows convenient plug in of either Bramco’s

Communication Amplifiers or Bramco PSW

Modules. (See separate data sheets).

A Pre-Start Warning Module

Mounted adjacent to the Pullkey. Provides

visual and audio Pre-Start Warning of

conveyor start-up. Complete with I.S.

Battery or power supply – AC or DC.

X Xenon Flasher

Mounted adjacent to the Pullkey. Provides

optimal visual indication of either Pre-Start

Warning for conveyor start-up, Pullkey trip

status or Gas warning.


2. BK400 Pullkey 安全装置 safety device :




3. CCMS 输送机控制及管理系统Conveyor Control & Management System :


System 1 – Basic Stop, Start and Sequence

System 2 – Basic Monitoring and Control

System 3 – Comprehensive Monitoring and Control with Backup features

System 4 – Communication and Pre-Start Warning

System 5 – Broadcast Fault Messages

System 6 – Telephone






4. 启动前的预警系统Pre-Start Warning System :

* Pre-Start Warning 100

A00357 Pre-Start Warning Alarm Standard

A00001 Pre-Start Warning Alarm Visual

A00348 I.S Battery Interface

A00722B Pre-Start Warning 2 Fault Monitor Relay

A00504 Pre-Start Warning Alarm (modified)


* PSW 400 – Pre Start Warning

A00986 – PSW400 Assembly

A01108 – PSW400 Fused Capacitor Pack 1A fuse 3.3R

A00722B- PSW2 Control Relay


5. ESS Mk II电子调速开关Electronic Speed Switch :

A00596 ESS MkII Module and Base

A00206 ESS MkII Remote Screen

A00237 ESH Electronic Sensing Head

E70174 I.S Dual Channel Barrier


6. BA200迷你放大器通信系统Mini Amp Communication System :

A00551 Master Amplifier – 16 button keypad

A00550 Slave Amplifier – 4 button keypad

A00552 Slave Amplifier – 16 button keypad

A00675 Mini Slave Amplifier – 4 button keypad

A00676 Mini Slave Amplifier-16 button keypad


7. SLC2 信号线控制模块/继电器Signal Line Control SLC2 :

A00718C SLC2 Module

A00721C EOL Terminator with Seq

A00725C Side Sequence Module

A00720 SLM2 Module Standard

A00724 SLM2 Remote Screen

A00265 SLM2 Bug Standard

A00920 SLM3 Module

A00921 SLM3 Addressable bug


8. SLM2信号线监控模块/继电器Signal Line Monitor SLM2 :

SLM2 Module A00720

Remote Display A00724

SLM2 Bug A00729


9. SLM3信号线监控模块/继电器Signal Line Monitor SLM3 :

A00920 SLM3 Module

A00921 SLM3 Addressable Bug

A00718B SLC2 Module

A00721B SLC2 EOL Bug

A00725B Side Sequence Bug

A00724 SLM2 Remote Screen


10. Belt Rip Detection 皮带裂口探测器 :

A01385 Belt Rip Detector


11. 信号线电缆Pullwire and Signal Line Cables :

4芯 4 x 24/0.20 .75mm2 E00035

6芯 6 x 24/0.2 .75mm2 E00032

6芯 2 x 44/0.30 3.1mm2 + 4 x 24/0.20 .75mm2 E00036

8芯 4 x 44/0.30 3.1mm2 + 4 x 24/0.20 .75mm2 E00038


6芯 2 x 84/0.30 6mm² + 4 x 30/0.25 1.5mm² E00039

2芯 2 x 84/ 0.30 6mm² E00108


12. LCMS控制及管理系统 Long Wall Control & Management System :

* LCMS Control Module





* **************************************** *

System 1

Basic stop, start and sequence


System 2

Basic monitoring and control


System 3

Comprehensive monitoring and control

including redundancy feature


System 4

Communication and Pre-Start Warning


System 5

Broadcast fault messages


System 6

Voice and Telephone Interface


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