Hubbell工业应用Industrial application(3)- 控制按钮Pendants & Pushbuttons

2017.08.03 11:25 PL 854 Hubbell工业应用Industrial application(3)- 控制按钮Pendants & Pushbuttons已关闭评论

Hubbell工业应用Industrial application(3)- 控制按钮Pendants & Pushbuttons
1. Euclid Type HD & WP

2 Buttons H1 28600-007

4 Buttons H2 28600-003

6 Buttons H3 28600-004

8 Buttons H4 28600-005

10 Buttons H5 28600-006

H2 4 Button Enclosure

J1A Start-Stop Insert Mkd: Start-Stop

J2 2 Speed Insert Mkd: Up-Down-Hoist

J1 28599-003

J1A 28599-004

J2 27753-000

JM 28509-005

JN 28509-001

JT 57509-013

JP1 28296-002

JP5 28297-002

JR 28599-005

K1 28599-009

K1A 28599-009

KM 28509-008

KN 28507-007

KP1 28296-002

KP5 28297-002

KR 28599-008

K2 26813-000

2. Euclid Type PBC,WPBC & XPBC Enclosure

WC1 28581-001

WC2 28581-002

WC3 28581-003

WC4 28581-004

WC5 28581-005

WC6 28581-006

WC7 28581-007

SWC1 28581-301

SWC2 28581-302

SWC3 28581-303

SWC4 28581-304

SWC5 28581-305

SWC6 28581-306

SWC7 28581-307

XC1 28595-301

XC2 28595-302

XC3 28595-303

XC4 28595-304

XC5 28595-305

12 Buttons 2XC3

16 Buttons 2XC4

20 Buttons 2XC5

SXC1 28595-306

SXC2 28595-307

SXC3 28595-308

SXC4 28595-309

SXC5 28595-310

CT4 -8 Button 7 Toggle Enclosure

P1 -110 VAC Pilot Light Marked: Power On

R -Reset Button Marked: Reset

A1 -Single Speed Mrkd: Fwd-Bridge-Rev

A3 -Three Speed Mrkd: Fwd-Trolley-Rev

A5 -Five Speed Mrkd: Up-Hoist-Down

T -Toggle Switch Marked: Off-On

A1A 54601-145

A1C 54601-148

A1 54601-023

A2 54602-002

A3 54603-001

A4 54604-001

A5 54605-001

P1 54698-001

P5 54698-005

T 28484-100

R 54691-150

M 54601-036

A1A 54601-145

A1C 54601-148

A1 54601-023

A2 54602-002

A3 54603-001

A4 54604-001

A5 54605-001

P1 54698-001

P5 54698-005

WT 28436-102

R 54691-150

M 54601-036

X1A 74601-145

X1C 74601-148

X1 74601-023

X2 74602-002

X3 74603-001

X4 74604-001

X5 74605-001

XP1 74698-001

XP5 74698-005

XT* 28436-103

XR 74691-150

XM 74601-036

A1-22 54691-022

A1-37 54601-037

A2-3 54602-003

A3-6 54603-006

A3-12 54603-012

A4-90 54604-090

A4-7 54604-007

A5-6 54605-006

A5-13 54605-013

A5-380 54605-380

A1-22 54691-022

A1-37 54601-037

A2-3 54602-003

A3-6 54603-006

A3-12 54603-012

A4-90 54604-090

A4-7 54604-007

A5-6 54605-006

A5-13 54605-013

A5-380 54605-380

X1-22 74691-022

X1-37 74601-370

X2-3 74602-003

A3-6 74603-006

A3-12 74603-012

A4-90 74604-090

A4-7 74604-007

A5-6 74605-006

A5-13 74605-013

A5-380 74605-380


M19D ,M19S




3. Euclid Pendants & Pushbuttons

E2 HC28311-001

E4 HC28311-002

E6 HC28311-003

E8 HC28311-004

E4 HC28311-002

PL1 HC57470-070

PG1 HC28318-001

MS2 HC28316-001

TB2 HC28326-000





PL1 HC57470-070

PL2 HC57470-068

PG1 HC28318-001

PG2 HC28318-002

PG3 HC28318-003

PG4 HC28318-004

PG5 HC28318-005

PG6 HC28318-006

PG7 HC28318-007

TB2 HC28326-000

TB2 HC28326-000

TB2 HC28326-000

TB2 HC28326-000

TB2 HC28326-000

TB2 HC28326-000

TB2 HC28326-000

MS2 HC28316-001

MS5 HC67542-001

TB2 HC28326-000

TB5 HC66718-001

59720-002 ,Single-Speed with mechanical interlock between buttons

59720-102 ,Momentary – NO/NC without mechanical interlock

59720-202 ,Two-Speed with mechanical interlock between buttons

59721-002 (optional) ,Cord Connector Kit, NEMA 4X

ME2 HC80300-101

ME4 HC80300-201

ME6 HC80300-301

ME8 HC80300-401

ME10 HC80300-501

MHP1 HC80313-100

MHP2 HC80313-101

ELK1 HC80318-001

ELK2 HC80318-002

CCK1 HC80820-750

CCK2 HC80820-100

NPB HC80830-000

NPX HC80830-500

MPL1R HC80324-100 120 V Red

MPL1A HC80324-101 120 V Amber

MPL1G HC80324-102 120 V Green

MPL2R HC80324-210 120 V Red

MPL2A HC80324-211 120 V Amber

MPL2G HC80324-212 120 V Green

MPL3R HC80324-213 250 V Red

MPL3A HC80324-214 250 V Amber

MPL3G HC80324-215 250 V Green

MPL4R HC80324-108 120 V Red

MPL4A HC80324-109 120 V Amber

MPL4G HC80324-110 120 V Green

MPL5R HC80324-112 240 V Red

MPL5A HC80324-113 240 V Amber

MPL5G HC80324-114 240 V Green



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