GRUPPE (意大利Italy)照明灯具

2017.08.01 10:25 PL 1336 GRUPPE (意大利Italy)照明灯具已关闭评论


Gruppe (意大利)泛光照明灯具Flood lighting


* Hydrodan
HYDROD A N 70W M/H C/W Control Gear & Lamp
HYDROD AN 150W M/H C/W Control Gear & Lamp
HYDROD AN 250W M/H C/W Control Gear & Lamp
HYDROD AN 400W M/H C/W Control Gear & Lamp
HYDROD A N 70W HPSV C/W Control Gear & Lamp
HYDROD AN 150W HPSV C/W Control Gear & Lamp
HYDROD AN 250W HPSV C/W Control Gear & Lamp
HYDROD AN 400W HPSV C/W Control Gear & Lamp

* lightmaster one
LIGHTMASTER 1 1000W MH C/W Control Gear & Lamp
LIGHTMASTER 1 2000W MH C/W Control Gear & Lamp

* lightmas ter 2000
LIGHTMASTER 2000W MH C/W Control Gear & Lamp
LIGHTMASTER 2000W MH C/W Control Gear & Lamp
LIGHTMASTER 2000W MH C/W Control Gear & Lamp

* lightmas ter 1000
LIGHTMASTER 1000W MH C/W Control Gear & Lamp
LIGHTMASTER 1000W MH C/W Control Gear & Lamp
LIGHTMASTER 1000W MH C/W Control Gear & Lamp

* Jet 2000
JET 2000 2000W MH C/W Gear & Tube 220V-240V
JET 2000 2000W MH C/W Gear & Tube 380V

* Jet 1000
JET 1000 1000W MH C/W Gear & Tube
JET 1000 1000W HPS C/W Gear & Tube

* Hydroscape
Hydrosca p e 70W HPS C/W Control Gear & Lamp
Hydrosca pe 150W HPS C/W Control Gear & Lamp
Hydrosca pe 70W M/H C/W Control Gear & Lamp
Hydrosca pe 150W M/H C/W Control Gear & Lamp
Hydrosca p e 70W HPS C/W Control Gear & Lamp
Hydrosca pe 150W HPS C/W Control Gear & Lamp
Hydrosca pe 70W M/H C/W Control Gear & Lamp
Hydrosca pe 150W M/H C/W Control Gear & Lamp

* Mach 1
MACH 1 250W M/H C/W Control Gear & Lamp
MACH 1 400W M/H C/W Control Gear & Lamp
MACH 1 250W HPS C/W Control Gear & Lamp
MACH 1 400W HPS C/W Control Gear & Lamp
MACH 1 150W HPSV C/W Control Gear & Lamp

* Mach 2
MACH 2 35W M/H C/W Control Gear & Lamp
MACH 2 70W M/H C/W Control Gear & Lamp
MACH 2 70W HPS C/W Control Gear & Lamp

* Mach 3
MACH 3 70W HPS C/W Control Gear & Lamp
MACH 3 150W HPS C/W Control Gear & Lamp
MACH 3 70W M/H C/W Control Gear & Lamp
MACH 3 150W M/H C/W Control Gear & Lamp

* Mach 4
MACH 4 150W HPS C/W Control Gear & Lamp
MACH 4 250W HPS C/W Control Gear & Lamp
MACH 4 400W HPS C/W Control Gear & Lamp
MACH 4 250W M/H C/W Control Gear & Lamp
MACH 4 400W M/H C/W Control Gear & Lamp
* Mach 5
MACH 5 150W HPS C/W Control Gear & Lamp
MACH 5 250W HPS C/W Control Gear & Lamp
MACH 5 400W HPS C/W Control Gear & Lamp
MACH 5 250W M/H C/W Control Gear & Lamp
MACH 5 400W M/H C/W Control Gear & Lamp

… …


GRUPPE CAPRI(意大利Italy)IP65 铸铝+PC 户外壁灯
GPCP0636 70W MH
GPCP0638 150W MH
GPCP0639 70W HPS
GPCP0640 80W MBF
GPCP0641 125W MBF
GPCP0642 1 x 42W
GPCP0643 2 x 42W
GPCP0557 CAPRI 70W M/H C/W Gear & Bulb
GPCP0558 CAPRI 100W M/H C/W Gear & Bulb
GPCP0559 CAPRI 150W M/H C/W Gear & Bulb
GPCP0560 CAPRI 70W HPS C/W Gear & Bulb NX4022
GPCP0561 CAPRI 80W MBF C/W Gear & Bulb
GPCP0562 CAPRI 125W MBF C/W Gear & Bulb NX4045


FLOODLIGHT MEGALUX 1000(意大利Italy)泛光投光灯具
MEGALUX 1000 CCP00018 1000W MH
MEGALUX 1000 CCP00019 1000W HPS

GRUPPE  (意大利Italy) ZOID系列 泛光投光灯具


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